Twenty-four reasons to NOT vaccinate your kid.


  1. You don’t like to be told what to do. Especially not by arrogant doctors who act as if they know better, just because they’ve been through a little training!
  2. Your child hates shots. As her parent, your main job is to keep her comfortable.
  3. Dr. Google told you about side effects: fever, pain, irritability. “The pro-vaccine mafia is quick to sweep all cases of vaccine-related injury and death under the rug as extremely rare anomalies, but many a parent of a vaccine-injured child will be the first to tell you that, if she could do it all over again, she wouldn\’t have let her kid get jabbed,\” the anti-vaxxers say.
  4. Once, you got the flu after you got the flu vaccine. Vaccines don\’t work.
  5. Vaccines weaken immunity. An often quoted anti-vaxxer, Tetyana Obukhanych Ph.D. states: “in the debate over vaccine safety, we have lost sight of a bigger problem: how vaccination campaigns wipe out our herd immunity and endanger the very young.” Her Amazon sales pitch ends: “Disclaimer: The information in this book is not intended as medical advice. Readers assume sole responsibility for choosing for themselves and their children disease prevention options that are compatible with their convictions.” No medical advice here. Just philosophy.
  6. Taking your kid to the doctor takes time. Plus they\’re always late, taking care of sick kids or something.  You don’t have time for this.
  7. Vaccines cost money. Not yours, the insurance\’s. You still have to pay for the gas!
  8. Jenny McCarthy and other celebrities, including a famous – now infamous – doctor, whose license was withdrawn for fraud, say that vaccines can lead to autism. The entire medical community disagrees, but you trust her, not the doctors.
  9. Doctors are just looking to make money out of your child.
  10. Vaccine companies can\’t be sued if your child is harmed. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 exempts drug companies from liability, in an effort to avoid vaccine shortage. It also establishes alternative ways to compensate those who have been harmed. As Natural News says, “Is this really a risk you want to take with your child?” (Not be able to sue if they die?)
  11. As per the same website, \”vaccines can cause lifelong, incurable diseases… If your child develops permanent nerve damage, she could require lifelong care… If you choose to vaccinate, are you prepared to reorient your life in the event of autism or brain damage?\” Easier to just let them die.
  12. You always wanted a boy. This one is a girl.
  13. Vaccines kill children. Your anti-vaxx resources told you that \”Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, has injured and killed tens of thousands of adolescents and teenagers.\” While you\’re looking for the mass graves, how about checking what CDC has to say?
  14. You know better than anyone what’s best for your child. You don\’t need to take her to a doctor. She shares your DNA. You don’t need an education or even information. It’s in your DNA.
  15. Gandhi was against vaccines. He disapproved of using cows to produce the smallpox vaccine. He also disapproved of eating cows. He didn\’t care for steaks. Not even burgers. He was a Hindu and a fruitarian. Are you?
  16. Vaccines contain toxic stuff. As a matter of fact, vaccines are mostly water and antigen, plus preservatives to keep them from going bad. You wouldn\’t inject rotten stuff into your kids, would you? They\’re similar to those in your packaged bread, soda, mayo, and mascara.
  17. Your kid looks like your ex. And you hate your ex.
  18. Vaccines will overwhelm your baby\’s immune system. Newsflash: Your baby doesn’t really have one. Yet. That’s what vaccines are doing. Building up her immune system to help her fight disease.
  19. The immunocompromised – young babies, cancer kids, pregnant women – they\’re not your problem. They’d better take care of themselves.
  20. Childhood diseases have been mostly eradicated. Why vaccinate for something that doesn’t even exist? Good point! That\’s why we no longer vaccinate for smallpox. Because it’s extinct. Why? Because of the vaccine. We vaccinate for other diseases. Measles, mumps, pertussis. They\’ve been resurging since people refuse to vaccinate.
  21. God says NO. Like some in the Middle East, you think that vaccinating your kids is against God\’s will. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, many thought that the Polio vaccine was intended to prevent their kids from reproducing, so they listened to God and killed the healthcare workers.
  22. Your anti-vaxxer friends told you: Natural exposure to disease is the best vaccine.Truth be told, the only way to truly develop vibrant, lifelong immunity, is to live your life as you normally would, without injecting dead viruses and chemical adjuvants into your muscle tissue. Natural exposure to whatever diseases are lurking in the world is the only way for the body to develop permanent antibodies that will forever protect against disease.” Remember Darwin?  Survival of the fittest? Good luck.
  23. Your child is special. Unlike all the others.
  24. The earth is overpopulated anyhow.

I\’ll offer you a compromise: Don’t vaccinate all your kids. Only vaccinate the ones you want to keep.

As for all of you who can\’t immunize your kids for medical reasons, take care and stay safe!


Rada Jones MD is an Emergency Doc in Upstate NY, where winters are long, people are sturdy, and geese speak mostly French. Her ER thriller Overdose is now on Amazon.